How Do Mattresses Cause Back Problems?

In most cases, back problems originate neither with a sufferer’s bed or mattress. The pain may spring from an old injury, an illness, weight problems or bad posture – but back problems can certainly be exacerbated by an inferior or unsuitable bed/mattress. If you are experiencing back pains after waking up in the morning, at least part of the problem may be your mattress. When someone buys a mattress, they often do so hoping to eliminate back problems. A good bed or mattress is not a miracle cure, although a wise decision can help relieve back pain, help you sleep better and give you less pain when you wake in the morning. The key is making the right choice.

These common issues can all contribute to back problems… If you’ve noticed any of them it may be worth starting to shop around for a new mattress or bed.

1) Worn Out Spring Unit

If your mattress is over five or seven years old and you experience discomfort in the morning, you may be facing a worn out or collapsed spring unit. Worn out springs can’t offer proper support to your body. The spine may be misaligned during the night causing aches and pains when you wake up.

2) Compressed Mattress Filling

No matter how expensive your mattress is, the filling will become compacted over time. You may not notice it visually, but your back will feel it. The old filling stops doing its job of supporting your back and keeping it isolated from the springs.

In fact, some of our customers complain of the springs on their old mattresses literally poking them in the back. Obviously, such poking doesn’t do any good for your body. You may feel pressure on your hips and shoulders build up during the night, causing aches and discomfort in the morning. Sleeping on such a filling can lead to serious back problems.

3) Wrong Mattress

If you’ve just purchased a mattress and feel back pain in the morning, you’ve probably made a bad choice. Even the highest-quality mattress may be wrong for your back. Buying mattresses online or without careful testing can lead to the lack of proper support. It’s important to consider a number of factors before buying a new mattress. One of them is your own comfort.

How Can You Tell If The Reason For Your Back Pain Is Your Mattress?

The number of backache causes is numerous. How can you be sure that, in your case, the mattress is the problem? If the pain occurs when you wake up but goes away in about 20 minutes after some stretching, it’s a strong indication that the mattress is part of the problem. If the backaches continue throughout the day, you may want to look for another reason – although you could still benefit from a more comfy mattress!

How Can You Avoid Mattress-Related Back Problems?

The key to avoiding bed-related back and muscle pain is to choose the right mattress. Many people make the mistake of thinking that the harder the mattress is, the more wonders it will do for their back. However, an ultra-hard bed can do your back more harm than good. That’s why speaking to the experts before buying a bed or a mattress is vital. It’s also highly important to test the bed before buying. At Bedknobs, we offer all our clients an opportunity to test the bed before making a purchase while getting expert advice. Our showroom is specifically equipped to make mattress testing comfortable and fulfilling.

Our goal is to help you buy an ideal bed to suit your personal requirements and help avoid back pain in the future. Give us a call today to schedule a mattress-testing session!

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